Beginners Watercolour Painting Class
Duration: 1 hour
Price: £75.00
6 week course
Explore the endless possibilities of watercolour!
This Beginners Watercolour Painting level 2 course has been developed to provide students with a greater understanding of the various techniques and variety of effects that can be created with the correct equipment.
To master a craft you must first become comfortable with your tools. Throughout this 6 week course Jaclyn will introduce you to an array of different techniques and procedures you can use to achieve dramatic effects to enhance your painting. Each week the focus will be on a new piece of equipment and step by step demonstrations will be given to show students how to use these in the correct manner to achieve your goal.
Course Outline
Week 1 – Salt Technique
Salt is a very useful tool to use in watercolour painting and helps achieve a range of different textures to your paintings. The salt acts as a barrier and pushes the paint pigments away to keep lighter spots and tones on the paper. The surrounding areas have a darker colour which creates unusual tones in a small amount of time.
Week 2 – Using a fan brush
A fan brushes is commonly used for blending colors but there are many other techniques such as mark-making that are made possible by using a fan brush. Jaclyn will guide you through these techniques and highlight some common areas that students struggle with such as applying too much paint and also whether the brush has coarse or soft hair.
Week 3 – Using a rigger brush
A rigger brush is used for painting straight or flowing lines and has much longer hairs than other types of brushes. This type of brush is very useful when painting subjects such as branches and fences. Application of the brush to paper is a technique that is not easily mastered so Jaclyn will share her top tips to help you overcome any common mistakes.
Week 4 – Using masking fluid
Masking fluid is used in watercolour to keep section of your painting and paper white. The liquid stops the paint from encroaching the area you cover and when the masking fluid is removed the surface remains white. This is a very common technique used by painters and Jaclyn with show you how to achieve the best results.
Week 5 – Sponge technique
Sponges are commonly used in watercolor painting. They can be used to apply paint and create a number of textural effects. They can lift out paint if too much has been applied to your paper. Sponges can also be used to wet paper in preparation for washes or to remove water when you’re preparing paper to be stretched.
Week 6 – Wax resist
Using wax on your paper is another technique that painters introduce to ensure area of the painting stay white. The wax is applied to the desired areas and watercolour paint is resisted keeping the white of the paper exposed.
What you’ll learn:
- The basic skills, techniques and methods of watercolour painting that will develop your visual ability
- The confidence to develop your watercolour painting skills at a pace that suits you
- Insight into your own creative potential and artistic direction for further development
What you’ll need:
To join this 6 week Beginners Watercolour Painting course, our tutor suggest that you have the following materials.
A set of watercolour tubes or pans containing the following colours:
Cadmium red
Cadmium yellow
Alizarin crimson
Sap green
Ultramarine blue
Currelean blue
Yellow ochre
Burnt sienna
Burnt umber
Black and white
A Cold pressed 300gsm watercolour A4 pad, masking tape, drawing board, pencil, rubber, kitchen towel, palette, watercolour wash brush, 1 small round brush for detail and a medium round brush, salt, rigger brush size 1, a fan brush, a sponge, masking fluid and a candle.
Your Tutor

Jaclyn Stuart is an artist who works in St Andrews Scotland. She graduated from Grays School of Art with a BA Hons in Fine Art in 2000. She has taught art in many establishments including lecturing in Further Education. She now runs her own teaching business in St Andrews along with making and selling her own artwork. She works in watercolour, acrylics, oils and inks.
Joining our live classes
Our ‘live’ classes will take place via Zoom. We’d recommend using a laptop or desktop if possible to make it easier for you to take part. Upon booking your class, you will receive an email confirmation with full details of how to join and your link to the zoom class.